Fried Zucchini Chips

Fried Zucchini Chips

Fried Zucchini Chips kolkithakia tiganita By: Eleni Saltas One of the easiest ways to use up zucchini is to slice and fry, plus it’s a tasty way to get your servings of vegetables in for the day. Kolokithakia tiganita (fried zucchini) is a delicious appetizer that’s...
Psari Plaki (Baked Fish)

Psari Plaki (Baked Fish)

Seafood rules the tables of Greece. With so many islands and close mainland coastal waters, the Greeks have a bounty of choices to bake, fry, grill, or boil. It’s understandable, in a country of such passionate cooks, that everyone has a preference, and the different...
Yiayia’s Lamb Stew

Yiayia’s Lamb Stew

Yiayia’s Lamb Stew By: Eleni Saltas Growing up, a winter snowfall meant braving the weather to make snow angels, build snow forts, and endure intense snowball fights with my brothers. But now, when the temperature drops lower than 40 degrees and the weatherman...